A downloadable game for Windows

A work in progress of a educational version of battleship. So far I am in the making of binding the pieces to the makeshift grid I made in order to apply battleship logic to the game and the educational aspect.

Current progress ( 12/13/2020): 

I have a working board as well as ship movement. Due to limited events I am only displaying one ship but it is still having issues of the block next to the inital block being able to move out of bounds. 

I have included a section that will pop up to give the player a chance to answer a question. Being that I don't have additional layouts available to use I placed it off the inital layout where I will place on its own layout if upgraded.

I do not have enough events to make logic that will force the question to prevent a shot yet. 

Working on a rotation button still  


testing.c3p 111 kB
testing.zip 410 kB


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I am trying to create my battleship math game with construct here.